Hey All!
Hope everyone is well and warm! Things are a bit crazy here right now. Tomorrow is our 4H Clubs Communications Event. For those that aren't familiar with 4H, this is the time of year that 4H Members write and present either a speech or a visual presentation to the rest of their club mates, as well as family and friends. There're are judges and a timekeeper and prizes. The participants that get 1st and 2nd move on the the next level. It sounds insane but it is actually a lot of fun! I know what you're thinking.... How could a speaking competition be fun??? Well, let me explain really quick...
These kids started in our club back in September. These kids get to pick any topic they want and have the chance to tell "the world" about something that is important to them. They get up in front of a room full of people and tell everyone about their favourite vacation or their pet. And, people listen to them. Over the course of one month they learn and begin to develop a skill that will come in handy for the rest of their lives. I find it fascinating to watch the quiet, shy kids find their voice.
So yeah... That's happening tomorrow afternoon. I'll let you know how it goes!
But enough about that... Back to horses and all things horses! (Yes I was that kid in school!)
I wanted to voice an opinion that some may agree with and some may not. However, I will voice it anyway! I was talking with my husband over lunch today and the topic of horses came up. This is nothing new. You would be hard pressed to find a moment where I am not discussing or willing to discuss or trying to figure out a way to discuss some equine related subject. Anyway, the topic of buying horses specifically came up.
We have all heard the endless (and very justified) conversation/rant about people asking for the prize winning champion with perfect confirmation and breeding for peanuts. Well, I got to thinking about something else. People who buy high priced horses because they are better trained. In essence this may be true. Higher priced horses have had more training. My point is, that this training has to be maintained for it to be worth anything. A high priced horse in the hands of an inexperienced person can develop bad habits just as much as a horse that is not priced so high. I would like to add that this is geared more for the average person such as myself that does not show horses.
Tell me what you think about this. Maybe I am way off the mark here but I see nothing wrong with the unregistered horses with average breeding. I am no way whatsoever condoning back yard breeding. If you want to breed, please know what you are getting into.
Anyway, I guess this is my rant. Thanks for reading.
God Bless,
Lily Ridge Riding